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 Our Message & Our Vision

Uncovering Our Essence: A Philosophy Beyond Machines

Our message

الالتزام بتوفير التميز التكنولوجي من خلال شركة تايلج العالمية التي تستخدم تكنولوجيا متقدمة في تصميم وتصنيع دراجاتها، مما يضمن كفاءة عالية وأداء قوي وتشمل الميزات الأساسية: - بطاريات عالية الأداء تدوم طويلاً. - أنظمة فرامل أمان متطورة. - تصميمات عصرية تناسب جميع الأذواق

Our vision

نسعى لأن نكون الخيار الأول في سوق الدراجات الكهربائية على مستوى اليمن والمنطقة ، من خلال تقديم منتجات متنوعة وعالية الجودة وتقديم خدمات مابعد البيع .

Who we are!

Tileg International Electric Bikes is one of the leading companies in the electric bike industry, seeking to provide a unique and innovative experience for smart mobility enthusiasts. Tileg International is committed to developing sustainable transportation solutions based on innovation in clean energy by offering a variety of electric bikes designed to meet the needs of all segments of society.
 Our industry

Industry of Excellence: Tile Industry

Creative visualization

In our relentless pursuit of perfection, we at Tileg ensure that every component of our products is engineered with advanced and improved technology. Through creative thinking and continuous improvement, each component is meticulously designed to enhance performance.

precision engineering

Precision and efficiency in manufacturing are the motto of Tailg. A team of skilled engineers bring the design to life, carefully selecting materials and components to ensure that each Tailg electric bike is embodied with high efficiency.

Strict test

Before hitting the road, every Tailg electric bike undergoes rigorous testing. From performance testing to endurance testing, we go to great lengths to ensure that we produce an electric bike that not only meets expectations, but exceeds them.